*How old do you have to be to audition?
You must be 6 years or older on audition day.
*How long will the audition last?
Auditions for 6-8 years will begin promptly at 9 am. Ages 9 and older will begin promptly at 10:30 am. Younger children will be released 1-1.5 hrs. into the audition. All auditions will be completed by 1pm.
*Will my child automatically be given a role?
This is dependent on the number of children auditioning. We choose large cast scripts however, there are a limited number of roles. Additional characters may be added to the existing script only if we can keep the experience fun, safe and time-worthy.
*What should I wear?
You should wear clothes and shoes that are easy for movement. Shoes will be kept on, so we request clean tennis or jazz shoes. Please no boots or flip flops.
*Do I need to memorize anything for the audition?
No. You may be asked to sing a familiar tune like “Happy Birthday” or “Row Your Boat”. You may be given a scene from the play that you will be asked to read from. This is called a cold reading.
*Will I have to audition in front of anyone else who is auditioning?
Yes. You may also be asked to do a cold reading, sing or dance with other people.
*What about tech crew and stage managers?
Anyone interested will be asked to participate in part of the audition to see how you take direction, work with others and communicate.
*Do I need a head shot (picture) or a resume?
No. You will be given an audition form to fill out. There is space on the form that asks you to list any theatrical or other experience. A photo will be taken during the process for the director’s use.
*Can parents watch auditions?
No. Parents are welcome to accompany a child before and after the audition. There will be a place to wait, but it will be limited due to space.
*What happens if I cannot make the audition date?
Unfortunately, if you cannot make the audition date then you will not be able to audition. We are not able to set up individual auditions.
*What is a callback?
The “callback” is a second audition where the selection process becomes more specific. Not every person will be asked for a callback. The callback is also an opportunity for the director to see and hear different combinations of actors. You may be asked to read additional scenes, sing or learn a dance. A callback may or may not be needed.
*How will I know if I am cast in a show?
Once all casting decisions are completed, an email with the entire cast and crew will be sent by Feb.1st to provided email addresses.